Scouts and Parents
Just last night the committee members approved another Eagle Project for Joseph Groth. Congratulations! Troop 219 is truly "kicking it" when it comes to Eagle Projects. Eagle Scout Candidates from this point forward are asked to follow the following protocols: All emails regarding specific projects will be coordinated through the Committee Chair (coordination may be by phone, or email). I request that Scouts provide a minimum of 7 day notice to allow other scouts and parents the opportunity to include your project into their family schedules. There will no longer be multiple scout projects planned for the same day. The lack of planning forces scouts to choose one project and therefore, could potentially cause either scout not to have the amount of help he may need. Before planning your next work day please consider doing the following: 1) Notify Scouts during the meeting; 2) Coordinate with Committee Chairman to send email to troop; 3) Call scouts and invite them to come to work on your project (personal invitations go a long way). We currently have over half a dozen projects simultaneously working. This Saturday we have two projects by two of our Eagle Scouts in two different locations. Eagle Project or Sam Strickland Location: Community Covenant Church, 16123 Artillery Road When: 11:00am-2pm Uniform: Class B, wear boots, bring rakes and work gloves Eagle Project for Ryan Dearborn Location: Riverside Community Church, 10301 E Eagle River Rd When: 10am-5pm Uniform: Long pants, long sleeve shirts, close toed shoes, and bring a pair of work gloves (working with creosote covered railroad ties) Email: [email protected] Finally, we do have a Troop Meeting this Sunday at 7:00 pm. Save the date weekend of 27th Aug planning overnight camp out TBA. The attached picture was taken during the June, 25 mile Crow Pass Hike. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 907.748.4350 Comments are closed.
Troop 219
The latest news on our activities. Archives
January 2018