couts & Parents Missing Scout Book with tan cover at sled building Sunday.. it belongs to Leo Carpenter... please check your books and see if you took it home by mistake - No regular scout meeting this Sunday 19 Nov...... - No campout this weekend - Campout moved to Dec 2-3 - Thanksgiving Blessing will take over JLC Fellowship Hall on Sunday & Monday, so no scout meeting room available - Thanksgiving Blessing is where ER churches & the food bank get together to provide 300+ Turkey & Ham dinners for the Eagle River community. It's a very big undertaking & one of the biggest service project of the year. - Here's how you can help / volunteer > they will fill Joy Lutheran with food on Sunday afternoon & hand out meals Monday afternoon & evening. - Sunday's Volunteers needed 3-6 pm to help sort food & setup...any scout in UNIFORM & family can help...just show up any time and give an hour or so. - Monday Volunteers needed 3-8 pm > assorted duties. Scouts in UNIFORM age 13 and OLDER. Stay an hour or SO or stay thru the duration. - Sunday 7 pm...let me know if any scouts are ready for a SM Conference...I could meet this night if your ready...LET ME KNOW ASAP. - Also if I have scouts who have rank advancements ready to be signed off ... ready to be tested on book specific requirements, then I can arrange this opportunity with an older scout or an ASM...LET ME KNOW ASAP so I can plan. INFO: Chugiak Pool open swim times > M-F 7:30-9:00 pm & SAT 12-1:30 pm...get your 2nd class & 1st class swim requirements signed off. INFO: Wreath assembly party > Black Friday 24 Nov starting at 10 AM. This is where we sort, bag, & hand out all 1600 wreath product. This will be in Wasilla at North Star Trucking. More info & map to follow . text or call me for Sunday night advancement and/or SM Conference YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, T219 ER, AK 907-351-8826 Comments are closed.
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