Scouts and Parents
-Our own Mr. John Trescott is on the cover of the June 1st issue of the Eagle River/Chugiak Echo News. Some of our 1st year boys were quoted in the article I will bring it to the meeting. -Happy Summer: Uniform for Summer is Class B (T-Shirt) with Scout Pants. -Meeting tomorrow at 7:00 pm; all Scouts bring your Scout Books to get requirements signed off. -Please bring copies of your BSA physical -Parents of Scouts attending camp we will have a schedule so you may choose the times you will be available to volunteer at Camp Gorsuch. Thus far we have had 3 parents volunteer. Camp is 25 Jun-1 July. Save the date: Troop Court of Honor, July 9, at the JLC, time TBD. Troop Committee voted to conduct the CoH following Camp/Chilkoot Trail in order to ensure all scouts including our 13 new scouts have an opportunity to advance. Any questions feel free to text or call me YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 907.748.4350 Scouts & Parents,
For all scouts & parents who will be joining us for the NRA Youth Shoot Sportfest at Birchwood Shooting Park < We will meet at Joy Lutheran Church Sat 3 June @ 7:15 AM to rendezvous to Birchwood Shooting Park in Chugiak. This is an all day event & should be concluded NLT 5:00 PM. Please wear Class "B" uniform & dress for the weather. I would bring a light fleece, rain jacket & water bottle in a small day pack or fanny pack. You can bring your own shooting glasses & ear muffs, but they will also provide them for you. Sunglasses are nice for sunny days. Shooters will be required to wear a ball cap...they provide. Adults can bring a packable camp chair to tote & rest your weary bones between events. WE WILL SIGN IN TOGETHER when we arrive, so get in the same line. Scouts and parents will get a corresponding same colored wrist band. Adult volunteers go to the volunteer line and let them know you are with T219 scouts...tell them the color. This ensures all Troop 219 stays together. Everyone should of signed up on line for the 12-18 age group. Lunch is free & the half time show is great. Please bring your ticket number if you have it available. For more info, go to Adult lunch is $10 unless you get a helper wrist ban. Everyone should of received an event reminder email from Eventbrite. Parents are responsible for transportation or help with car pooling at JLC. All Parent helpers-chaperones will be welcomed for the day. I suspect we'll have approx 15 scouts. > If you are going straight to Birchwood & not JLC, please let me know. If you didn't previously sign up, you can show up and see if they can get you in on the stand-by'll have to wait until everyone is signed in, but you never know. Let me know if you have any questions.... C U Saturday AM. YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, Troop 219 ER, AK 907-351-8826 Summer Camp Scouts & Parents,
See Camp Gorsuch Summer Camp guide link below. Download and print...parents, please review with your scout, and let me know if u have any questions. YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, T219 ER, AK 907-351-8826 |
Troop 219
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