Last October Mr. Dagget gave the Merit Badge Blitz a Scouting Heritage presentation. If you are on this email thread it's because you may have been at his presentation. Mr. Daggett is going to be at the JLC at 5:00pm today to sign off the remaining requirements for scouting heritage. A few days ago I sent an email reminder to the whole troop with the worksheet attached. Requirement 6 states you must bring a scouting collection please bring a sample of you scouting patch selection/memorabilia or pictures of it for Mr. Daggett to sign off. Requirements 1, 2, and parts of 3 were discussed at the presentation. Because it has been such a long time, I know most of you took notes you might want to spend a little time reviewing the people discussed in these requirements. Jot your notes in the worksheet and bring it with you. Mr. Daggett counts as one of the scouts you have to talk to about Scouting which is part of requirement 8. Lou Rivera-Murray Merit Badge Blitz Coordinator 748.4350 ------------ Mr. Paul Daggett will be available for any of the scouts that took Scouting Heritage Last year and were at his presentation to sign off requirements this Sunday at 5:00 pm. I have attached the merit badge workbook for the boys who were at the merit badge blitz last October. Please bring your scout collections and or pictures of your collections. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Committee Chair 907.748.4350
Please congratulate Keith & his Parent's. Keith passed his Eagle BOR tonight with plenty of room to spare...great job !
Scout and Parents, Mr. Puterbaugh asked me to send this out on his behalf. We are asking older scouts & Quartermasters to report to the JLC at 7:00pm to pack the trailer. Of course we will not turn away any younger scouts that show up but its not necessary. Permission slip will be in separate email. The Assistant Scout Master Leading this Camporee is Mr. Donnie Hodges 405.213.6721. Thank you Mr. Hodges for stepping up and we have other dads and moms helping. The following points were sent to me as additional instructions for the scouts. - any other scouts wanting to go, let us know and show up Friday prepared - Friday night show time is 5 pm. Be in class A uniform OR be in costume - Bring foil meal for Friday night dinner - bring a couple bundles of wood - use provided camping ck list to pack...leave cotton at home - please review Zombie guide provided - Patrol leaders to bring mandatory gear per zombie guide - Dress for AK WEATHER -AGAIN > Please review Zombie guide AND Camping ck list YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Committee Chair 907.748.4350 - Pick tent mates before your buddies
Please pass on ASAP. No meeting tonight. Due to unforeseen circumstances Troop 219 Committee Meeting Rescheduled for next Wed 27 Sep. Please Join us NEXT Wed. See you at the meeting next week YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chair 748-4350 |
Troop 219
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January 2018