Scouts & Parents,
REMINDER > NO Regular Scout meeting tonight. - Wreath money turn-in tonight at 6:00 PM......bring your spread sheet and all cash & checks - PLC tonight at 6:00 PM for all Jr. Leaders & Scouts Star rank & above - Join us @ JLC Thursday, 21 Dec at 7:30 PM for Perry Lundgren's Eagle Court of Honor - Holiday Break > NO meeting 24th & 31st December. Next regular scout meeting Sunday 7 January 2018.... Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !!!!!! YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, Troop 219 ER, AK 907-351-8826 Sent from my iPhone Scouts & Parents,
Scout meeting Sunday @ 6:00 pm in preparation for Rapids Camp. **The wreaths have arrived** Scouts will meet this Friday 24 November at North Star Trucking in Wasilla, 10 AM to assemble ALL products & pick up your individual wreaths. Should be done by 2 PM max. The address is 1301 South Knik-Goose Bay Rd. Head into Wasilla - turn left on East Palmer-Wasilla Hwy by the Home Depot - go approx 1.5 miles to stop light at Knik-Goose Bay Rd & turn left, then your next left is North Star driveway...approx 27 miles from ER.,-149.4439829,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x1cab37d47f595542?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzveTu-tPXAhWCrVQKHTEPBMAQ_BIIbTAK Bring cookies & snacks to share. Also we will have Christmas Party door prize tickets available for our annual .22 Rifle drawing, so bring a few bucks for a ticket or two. IMPORTANT: If you are not available to pick up, please make arrangements for someone to transport your wreaths to ER. Also notify me and/or Roger Nevells so we know who's picking up your products. If all that doesn't work, still notify us if you absolutely can't make it. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chair 907.748.4350 Scouts & Parents, Please get out and get those last few wreath orders complete. This Sunday 5 November is the final turn-in day...!!! I hope everyone has reached a personal goal of 50+ or many-many more. Scouts & parents together should turn in the attached Excel spreadsheet document at this Sunday scout meeting. Please use the attached wreath talley sheet for your final numbers. Open document, update the numbers, and the spreadsheet should do the math for you. Save, print, and bring a copy with you to Sunday's scout meeting. Let me know if there are any problems. If you can't get it to work...print out and do it the old fashioned way...write it out. Double & triple check your quantities for each product #. Keep your Alaska wreath order sheets at home. We don't need them...You'll NEED THEM TO DELIVER YOUR WREATHS & COLLECT MONEY. All checks made out to Troop 219. The only money you should of collected so far is for your gift-mail orders. :::>Do not bring money this Sunday<::: Also, this SUNDAY please bring all of your gift-mail order sheets to the lower 48. Please db ck your entries & make sure everything is clear & eligible, and carbons are readable...print hard. All lines must be completely filled out. These have to be read & transcribed-retyped out online by the Mr/Ms Nevells. Thanks for an outstanding Job on the Survey Monkey last week. Initial survey results last Sunday; we broke 1000 products... Thanks...... V/r, Steve Puterbaugh SM, Troop 219 ER, AK 907-351-8826
1). No Scout Meeting today... Campers returning from Crescent Lake around 4:00 PM today. 2). Troop committee meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30 pm @ JLC. ALL COMMITTEE members should attend. Additionally, all parents welcome to attend...join the troop committee and get involved...thx 3). We have 2-weeks left to go for our annual wreath sales fundraiser. A scout is thrifty...please do your BEST. We only have about 1/2 of our registered scouts participating. Get with Mr. Nevells and pick up a wreath pkg. Older scouts please pass on your customers to younger boys in the troop...thx. 4). Troop Elections coming up in a couple week. Get ready...think about your next leadership position. 5. Thanks to ALL who participated in Keith Sellers Eagle Court of Honor last Wednesday. YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, T219 ER, AK 907-351-8826 |
Troop 219
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January 2018