Scouts and Parents
Hope all of you are having a great summer. We are currently having a series of boys completing their Eagle Projects. I know those boys who are trying to complete their projects during this period would certainly appreciate any help. Scouts a few guidelines: Please ensure you coordinate your projects so that we don't have 2 scouts working on projects at the same time. Please coordinate with Mr. Puterbaugh or with me (my phone number is 748-4350) You don't need advanced approval for work days but I do ask that you give the scouts and their parents as much lead time as possible. Scouts choosing to participate with your fellow scouts doing their Eagle projects ensure you have the specific clothing, working gloves, and safety glasses if required. 30 July 2016, Tommy Midlo, is having a project work session for his Eagle Project at Saint Andrews Church at 10:00 am. Work boots, long pants, gloves required. Additionally, dress for the weather. Sunday Meeting, Meet at JLC 6:30, 31 July: Read message below from Sam Strickland: Hello, Everyone I wanted to let you know that for this Sunday's meeting we will be doing the roadside cleanup on the area of Eagle River Road that Troop 219 has "adopted." This is an important event that needs everyone's participation. It starts at 6:30 at Joy Lutheran. From Sam Strickland P.S. New Scouts: You will get service hours for doing this, which is something you need for rank advancement. We are so proud of our Scouts. This week we celebrated Max Ditzler's court of honor. We have some great boys. Max gave his challenge coin to Travis Arntz our newest Troop 219 Scout. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Hey, Troop:
I wanted to let everyone know that the meeting on Sunday will have two parts. First we will be turning back in gear from Summer Camp at 6:30pm. We'll also review camp merit badges and return incomplete blue cards. Bring your Scout book. ASMs will be looking to sign off on any requirements for rank advancements. The second part will be Max Ditzler's Eagle Scout Court of Honor! Make sure to come and support a fellow Scout. Everyone needs to be in Class As. Thanks and see you then, Perry Lundgren SPL Troop 219 Hey, Troop:
Thanks to all the Scouts and parents who came out and helped with Part One of my Eagle Scout Project yesterday at the Eagle River Nature Center. Thomas Midlo is going to start his Eagle Project on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. at St. Andrews Church in Eagle River. I hope everyone can go and help him out. If you have time later that day, we are going to be doing Part Two of my project. We will be back at the Nature Center from 5-9 p.m. Saturday. Any time you can contribute would be helpful. Wear your grubbiest paint clothes. Refreshments will be served. We will paint the side wall along the back deck at the Center. If there is time, we will also get a first coat of stain and sealant on the deck. Thanks, Perry Lundgren SPL Troop 219 Scouts & Parents,
Parents > please share Beside all the other camp info you have been slammed with; here are few more notes to ponder. 1). Bring your own mess kit with plate, bowl, cup, and utensils for daily meals. These will not be provided for you, and paper plates are "OUT". If you need a mess kit...see me tonight ! 2). Bring "Sun Screen" & non-aerosol bug dope...enough said. 3). Bring a head net for black flies, nats, & mosquitos 4). Bring a camp chair or stool. 5). Bring class "A" uniform...two is better than one & hanger...have 2-neckerchief slides & Troop 219 T-shirt, plus plenty of "scout logo" type T-shirts. You will also be getting a Denali camp T-shirt. 6). Bring small tarp to put inside of tent. 6x7, 6x8, 7x8...u get the picture, no 10x12 tarps 7). Bring tennis ball cushions for bottom of cot legs 8). Bring a ball cap for hiking & to keep the sun off your face 9). Make sure you bring a "Day Pack" for your gear, swim wear & towel, mb supplies, water bottle, etc... You will use this daily throughout the week. 10). Bring a small notebook & couple of pens for your mb sessions 11). All "Meds" should be in ziplock back with your name on the bag...& any instruction sheet inside 12). Bring "Healthy Snacks" ONLY. Place in Gallon Ziplock bag with your name on it. All junk food will be confiscated and pitched. All bags with NO name will also be tossed. NO Food in Tents. Each scout should bring 6 extra gallon size ziplock bags. 13). Helmets are mandatory to ride your bike at camp. 14). Pick a tent partner in your patrol, before you show up tonight !!! 15). Last-but-not-least > Put your name on everything. YIS, Steve P |
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