1). No Scout Meeting today... Campers returning from Crescent Lake around 4:00 PM today. 2). Troop committee meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30 pm @ JLC. ALL COMMITTEE members should attend. Additionally, all parents welcome to attend...join the troop committee and get involved...thx 3). We have 2-weeks left to go for our annual wreath sales fundraiser. A scout is thrifty...please do your BEST. We only have about 1/2 of our registered scouts participating. Get with Mr. Nevells and pick up a wreath pkg. Older scouts please pass on your customers to younger boys in the troop...thx. 4). Troop Elections coming up in a couple week. Get ready...think about your next leadership position. 5. Thanks to ALL who participated in Keith Sellers Eagle Court of Honor last Wednesday. YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, T219 ER, AK 907-351-8826 Parents and Scouts, Meeting scheduled for tomorrow 7:00 pm. In spite of the fog last weekend we had a successful Rocket Launch at Big Lake (Yes it was still very frozen). Thanks to Mr. Duft for his amazing energy and patience as he loaded all rockets and prepared them to launch, Mr. and Mrs. Estes for food prep and Mr. Smith and Mr. Clark for being excellent grill masters. A separate email to follow regarding the upcoming quarter of events. For this email the focus is on the elections that occur tomorrow. Elections, Elections, Elections, Elections Scouts seeking the ranks of star, life and eagle should be seeking leadership positions. Applications need to be filled out by the scout completely and signed by the parent (or scout will not be considered). All scouts running for elections for a Jr. Leadership Position need to bring a signed copy of this form with them to the meeting tomorrow. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 907-748 Troop 219 Committee Chair Information Coordinator
Troop 219
The latest news on our activities. Archives
January 2018