Scouts and Parents,
Thanks for responding with your questions, volunteering and keeping me on track. I made a mistake in yesterday's email. The Lock-in is Saturday Mar 25 at 7:30 pm in JLC. The following morning we will rendezvous at Joy Lutheran and we would like to be on our way to Big Lake by 9:00 am which means folks should arrive NLT 8:45 am. I have been asked for the address of the place where we park and walk in to the lake because we have some parents arriving later. I will find out and send out later today. We have two of our new scout's dads volunteering to spend the night. Can I count on an "Old Goat" Patrol parent to step forward to help in the evening? Our troop likes to eat scouts and parents all alike. With that said, I invite you to bring your favorite dessert or side to the event on Sunday. We have no warming capability with exception of the grill but jello, fruit salads, macaroni salad, potato salad, cuties, ambrosia are just a few things I suggest by no means is this an exhaustive list. The menu in the past has included hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks (please no soda if you bring your own), chips, Costco cookies, cut fruit. Reminder for all we do maintain a troop web page and messages are generally posted using this venue. One of our troop parents maintains the site, Ms Amy Steffian. This is a great place for parents to see the running schedule of events. We list our upcoming events and post troop adventures, we also have links to forms including the BSA youth and adult applications, BSA health forms, checklists etc. Visit today. Finally, Troop 219 is always in need of approved drivers. If you would like to be added to the list please share the following information Name, Year, Make & Model of vehicle(s), Number of seatbelts, insurance coverage limits and license plate number. All parents please send your information by replying to this email if you have not previously provided it to Mr. Puterbaugh or Mr. Estes. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chair Scouts & Parents,
1). Reminder: NO Scout meeting tonight due to weekend Turnaigan campout. 2). Webelos crossover ceremony, Friday 3 March for P229. This will be 6 pm @ Eagle Charter Academy. We are getting 4 new scouts. Let me know who can help out< 3). March is rocket month. Make sure you contact Mr. Jeff Duft this week if you want to upgrade this year. 4). Summer Gorsuch 25 Jun - 1 Jul....let me know who's in. YIS, Steve P 907-351-8826 Scouts & Parents,
Rocket building workshop this Wed evening 7-9 pm at JLC. Please show up if you have an unfinished rocket. - Change to the change. Sorry for any confusion... The Rocket Lock-in overnighter is THIS Friday night at 7:30 PM. Scouts can camp outside or stay inside the fellowship hall. 100 below point count. Bring appropriate sleepwear, sleeping bag & tent if needed or you can tarp it. Bring a rocket movie to share. - Saturday 9am scouts & parents, and the WHOLE FAMILY is invited to / and will rendezvous at JLC & head out to Big Lake to launch...should be done by 3 PM...parent drivers needed or carpool. Dress for the weather. Troop will serve Pizza dinner Fri night, breakfast for scouts Sat morning, and a cookout lunch at Big Lake for scouts & Family...bring water to drink. Cost > $25 per family or $15 per scout for food. Rockets & motor(s) cost TBD > The cost of the newly purchased rockets and each motor launch will be settled up after the event. Let me know if you have any questions or need, text, or email. YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, Troop 219 907-351-8826 Hello Troop 219 Families, If you are new to our Troop - Welcome! If this is your scout's first event with our Troop, or the first one you’ve attended in over 1 year, please complete the attached BSA Health Form, Part A&B and bring it to the church tonight. This form does not require a physical exam by a healthcare provider. If you are an Assistant Scoutmaster or other registered adult, and this is the first event you’re assisting on, please fill out the attached form and bring it to the church tonight. In the case of the Rocket Launch, assisting does not mean attending to observe. If you will be launching, setting up equipment or operating the snow machine to pick up rockets and you have not filled out the attached form in the past year, please do so. Thank you for your assistance. Brandi Estes Troop 219 Health Information Coordinator
Troop 219
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January 2018