We are certainly well on our way through our 1st quarter of school. Hope all Scouts and parents had a nice labor day weekend. We had a wonderful turnout for the Troop Court of Honor. Thank you all for your kindness and generosity. Short and Sweet:
YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chair 748-4350
The following items are subject to change but I wanted to give you what I know so far the planned activities through July are for the troop. Please use this as a planning tool for your scouts and families. Thanks to you Scouts for creating an atmosphere where other young boys want to join our Troop. I received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from both Pack 219 and Pack 228 who both came to visit.
Who: Scouts and Parents What: Troop 219 Committee Meeting When: Jan 18, 17 7:30 at the JLC POC: Ms. Rivera 748-4350 Agenda Items due by response to this email NLT Jan 17, 10 pm. You do not need to be a committee member to attend. All ideas welcome. Who: Scouts and Parents What: Scout Meeting When: Jan 22, 17 at the JLC POC: Mr. Puterbaugh 351-8826 Who: Scouts and Parents What: Turnagain Pass Snow Caving Backpacking Trip Where: Turnagain Pass When: Meet at JLC Saturday Jan 28; Time TBD in the am return Jan 29 late afternoon POC: Mr. Lundgren will send out detailed email to scouts who sign up. Sign-up still open until next scout meeting. Who: Scouts and Parents What: Aleyeska Ski Day Where: Aleyeska When: Meet at JLC Sunday Feb 5; Time TBD in the am return later that Evening POC: Mr. Lundgren 440-8298 Who: Adults and Registered Leaders What: Super Saturday When: February 11 at 8am-1pm Where: TBD Additional Notes: $5 cost by the end of 2017 the troop's leaders must be 100% trained Register for training on scoutingalaska.org POC: Ms. Lou Rivera Who: Scouts and Parents What: Scout Sunday and potluck breakfast Where: Joy Lutheran When: February 12th @ 9:30 Notes: Bring a Dutch oven treat to share with congregation. This is Troop 219's opportunity to show its chartered organization, Joy Lutheran our support and say thank you. POC: Ms. Lou Rivera, 748-4350 Who: Scouts who Eagled in 2016 and Parents What: Annual Recognition Banquet Where: Hilton Hotel When: February 18 Begins at 6:00 pm Who: Scouts and Leaders What: Pack 219 Cross-Over Where: Gruenning Middle School When: February 18 Begins at 4:30 pm Who: Scouts and Parents What: Iditarod Start Snowmobile Trip Where: Willow Lake When: March 5 meet at time TBD at the JLC Who: Scouts and Parents What: Scouting for Food (Community Service 2 hr shifts) Collection Day Where: Eagle River, Fred Meyer When: March 25 from 10:00-4:00 Who: Scouts and Parents What: Spring Jamboree Where: TBD When: May 5-7 Meet at JLC at 6:00 pm Who: Scouts and Parents What: Chilkoot Trail Where: Ft Yukon When: 10-day, time-period last two weeks of June Who: Scouts and Parents What: Scout Camp Where: Camp Gorsuch When: Usually the 4th of July week (TBD) Who: Troop 219 has 7 scouts attending What: National Jamboree Where: Camp Bechtel, West Virginia When: July 14-28 Feedback always welcome. Have a good day. If you find any errors with this email please let me know. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Good Evening Scouts and Parents,
We do have a scout meeting Sunday, 13 September 2015. Please come promptly at 7:00 as the most important order of business will be Elections for new scout positions. Information regarding purchase of Wiggy Bags will be discussed. Orders due NLT 10 Oct 2015 Thank you to all who have thus far volunteered for the upcoming MB University. Schedule/Sign Up will be available approximately 20 September meeting. Volunteers you will be contacted in separate email. I still need a couple instructors and still have to contact a few MB Counselors. Who: All Scouts What: Trick or Treat in the Heat Service Hours When: Sunday Sept 13th, 11-6pm Where: Heritage Estates Note: All Troop 219 service project participants need to check-in with Mrs. Beth Paynter at 20427 Philadelphia Way, Eagle River. Mrs. Pemberton will have a sign-in. Please report to the above address in Class A Uniform. Point of Contact Mrs. Angela Pemberton Who: Scouts Advancing Rank; Committee Members (Need minimum 6 adults prefer 8 adults) What: Board of Review When: Sunday Sep 20th, 6:30 by appointment Where: Joy Lutheran Church Note: Class A Uniform for Scouts, Bring your scout logs Who: Scouts and Parents What: Troop 219 Court of Honor When: Sunday, Sep 27th, 6:30 pm Where: Joy Lutheran Church, Sanctuary Note: Bring your own meat to grill and a dish to share with the Troop, Point of Contact is Mrs. Chris Lundgren. Who: Lynx Patrol Parents What: Orientation When: September 20 (TBD), Time (TBD) Where: Joy Lutheran Church Note: Facilitate information about rank advancement, parent question-answer period Point of Contact is Mr. Carl Lundgren. Who: All Scouts and Parents What: Eric Lundgren's Court of Honor When: Friday, 2 Oct, 7:00 pm Where: Joy Lutheran Church Who: All Scouts What: 2015 Wreath Sales "Kick" off meeting Where: Joy Lutheran Church When: Saturday, 3 Oct, 10:30 Note: Report to JLC Class A uniform, receive paperwork and designate sales areas. Point of Contact Mr. Roger Nevells /Steve Puterbaugh. Who: Designated Scouts and Parents What: Crescent Lake Backpacking Where: Rendezvous at JLC TBD When: 17-18 Oct (Overnight) Point of Contact: Mr. Carl Lundgren Who: Scouts and Volunteer Parents and Merit Badge Counselors What: Merit Badge University Where: Designated (Joy Lutheran and Community Covenant) When: 5:00 pm report to JLC for registration on 22 October MB University Courses begin 6:00 pm through 11:30 24 October Point of Contact: Lou Rivera-Murray Note: MB counselors please bring your certificate of Youth Protection Training to Scout meeting 13 Sep or scan and email to Mrs. Lou Rivera [email protected] as soon as possible YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 907.748.4350 |
Troop 219
The latest news on our activities. Archives
January 2018