I have attached the meeting minutes from our last meeting. We welcomed potential new scouts this past Sunday. It's that time of year where we will be welcoming new scouts. Tonight we have some important decisions to make and items to discuss regarding Summer Camp, Potential Merit Badge University, Philmont and upcoming camp-outs. Please join us. New ideas always welcome! Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chair 907.748.4350
Good Afternoon,
Happy New Year everyone. I trust that you enjoyed your holiday. We have an Eagle Board of Review at 7:30 for Chris Fueg. So the Committee meeting is rescheduled for 24 Jan at 7:30. Apologize for the inconvenience. Lou Rivera-Murray Troop Committee Chair 907.748.4350 Parents and Current Committee Members, What: Committee Mtg When: Wed., 15 Nov, at 7:30 pm Where: JLC We are quickly approaching 2018. The Troop has just changed leadership positions and the adult leadership will also transition new ASMs in the near future. In addition to upcoming events, and Campouts we will discuss the Christmas CoH (save the date 10 Dec 1-4pm @ United Methodist Church of Chugiak). As always if anyone wishes to include specific items to the Agenda please forward those to me through tomorrow by noon. Trying new meeting format to decrease the meeting to no more than an hour. We know your time is valuable and I certainly appreciate participation from not only ASM's but parents at large. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 907.748.4350 Scouts and Parents
Within the next week and a half we will be having 3 important meetings. 1. Troop Committee Meeting What: All Parents welcome to attend the monthly Troop 219 Committee Mtg. When: Wed, Sep 28 @ JLC @ 7:30 Note: If any scouts have presentations to make please respond to this email immediately so I can put you in the agenda. We will be discussing upcoming events October is an extremely busy month for the troop with our Court of Honor on October at 6:00 pm; Wreath Sales begin Oct 15 at 10:00 am; Merit Badge University 27 Oct 6:00 pm - 29 Oct ~ noon to name a few events. 2. Troop Meeting @ 7:00 pm 2 October. Advancements will begin at 6:00 pm. Scouts please contact Mr. Puterbaugh 351-8826 if you need a scoutmaster conference ASAP. 3. Merit Badge University or for Troop 219 Merit Badge Blitz Planning meeting What: All Parents or Scout Volunteers this is the 2nd annual Troop 219 Merit Badge Blitz which takes place 27-29 October at the Joy Lutheran Church. This is an educational opportunity for our boys to sign up and complete merit badges. Who: Any identified Merit Badge Counselors who have already volunteered to teach (so far we have Aviation, Personal Management, Communications, Citizenship of the Nation, music, art, scholarship, traffic safety and automotive maintenance) We would like to offer 12 courses. We will also be having the 2nd Annual Dutch Oven Master Chef team competition. We have so many opportunities to teach our scouts. If you want to be a Merit Badge Counselor please come; let me help you with the process. Additionally, any one who wishes to volunteer with food prep, overnight supervising of the scouts, or any other duties that come up during this 2 1/2 day event. When: Planning Meeting 5 October, at 7:00 pm at JLC You will be seeing many messages from me in the next couple of weeks as this Educational Offering requires a lot of support to ensure its success. Scouts will be allowed to take a minimum of 3 merit badges and possibly 4 depending on the number of instructors. *the first person to spot a mistake on this email and respond by email will receive a candy bar of their choice. YIS Thanks for all you do Lourdes Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chair |
Troop 219
The latest news on our activities. Archives
January 2018