Hello Troop 219 Families -
This is a reminder that the BSA Health Forms Parts A, B & C will be needed for Summer Camp. This form includes a physical that must be completed by a healthcare provider. If your physical expires at any point prior to July 12, 2015 - you need a new physical. Please note that is not acceptable to submit a different physical form attached to the BSA form. I have received a few new forms, and hopefully there are more to come. The deadline for our Troop members to have their forms completed is June 7, 2015. If your scout is not participating in summer camp, there is less of a push for forms, but you do need to make sure your scout’s physical is up-to-date (or still valid) prior to the scout’s participation in any event lasting 72 hours or more. I have sent forms out previously and they are also available on the Troop website. I will be at Joy Lutheran today at 4:30 p.m. if any families need to bring health forms to the church prior to the troop swim event. **This does not in any way mean medical forms are needed for today’s event.** Thank you for your time. Brandi Estes Health Information Coordinator Troop 219 Hello Troop 219 Families, As the school year winds down and we get ready for summer, please keep in mind that a complete BSA Health Form including Part A, B & C is required for summer camp. This form includes a physical that must be completed by a healthcare provider. If your physical expires at any point prior to July 12, 2015 - you need a new physical. Please note that is not acceptable to submit a different physical form attached to the BSA form. The deadline for our Troop members to have their forms completed is June 7, 2015. If your family has a scout attending Philmont, I will coordinate getting your forms from Carl Lundgren. I will be attending meetings in May and June on a regular basis to collect forms. If you need to set up a time outside of scout meetings to meet me to turn in your forms, I can do that as well. Please take the time to review the forms and make sure all signatures are filled in. Please make sure you have the most recent Tetanus date noted - at minimum - on the immunization section. If your family is not immunized, please contact me for the appropriate exemption form. All of the forms will be reviewed for completeness prior to camp. Please contact me via email if you have questions. I’ve attached the BSA Health Form for your convenience. Thank you for your time. Brandi Estes Health Information Coordinator Troop 219
Hello Troop 219 Families, If you are new to our Troop - Welcome! If this is your scout's first event with our Troop, or the first one you’ve attended in over 1 year, please complete the attached BSA Health Form, Part A&B and bring it to the church tonight. This form does not require a physical exam by a healthcare provider. If you are an Assistant Scoutmaster or other registered adult, and this is the first event you’re assisting on, please fill out the attached form and bring it to the church tonight. In the case of the Rocket Launch, assisting does not mean attending to observe. If you will be launching, setting up equipment or operating the snow machine to pick up rockets and you have not filled out the attached form in the past year, please do so. Thank you for your assistance. Brandi Estes Troop 219 Health Information Coordinator
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January 2018