Scouts and Parents,
We are having a super busy October and I want to thank all parents and scouts for being present and participating when possible. 1. We have the official Wreath Sales Kick Off tomorrow morning at Joy Lutheran at 10:00 am. This is our annual fundraising event. Parent drivers are required to carpool following the kick off. Mr. Nevells will have brochures and information available. All available scouts are asked to meet at Joy Lutheran to receive the information and select their sales area. Uniform for Wreath Kick off is Class As A few rules for your safety. Door-to-door sales please do not enter the home unless you know the family. Take a flashlight with you and wear reflective belts if you are selling in the evening. If possible, go with a buddy. Finally, remember to be in Class A, thank customers and thank those who do not purchase, dress for the weather. It is helpful if you take a clipboard with you. If you haven't received your materials please come to tonight's' meeting. Our POC for this event is Mr. Roger Nevells 688-1277 or email [email protected]. 2. Junior Leader Troop election on Sunday please bring your signed applications 3. For those scouts who haven't signed up for the Merit Badge Blitz sign up sheets will be available at the meeting or you can send your 5 requested classes via email to me. The blitz is just short of 2 weeks away so once classes are finalized you will have to print out worksheets, check out or purchase MB books, and complete any required pre-work. 4. Finally, any outstanding gear from the camporee will be checked in at this Sunday's meeting 5. Guess what Scouts let's give a warm welcome to Ayden Dodge and his family. Ayden is now our newest Scout. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Chairperson 907.748.4350 Scouts and Parents,
The COH and Potluck will start at 6:30 pm 9 Oct at Joy Lutheran. We will be using the other end of the church for food and the Sanctuary for the formal COH. Each family should bring main dishes, sides and deserts...we'll have lots of boys to feed. Mr. Jeff Estes will be our "grill meister" if any of you would like to throw something on the grill (Steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs work best because they are very quick to cook) Also please bring your own drinks for your family. After dinner, the COH for advancements & MB's will follow in the adjacent Sanctuary. The church has an auction immediately preceding our event so we can begin to set up at 6:00. I would encourage all families to join us. We participate in these ceremonies 3 times a year. It's always nice to see all the families get together. Uniform for Scouts: Class A with sashes (be proud and look sharp). Reminder: We will be having a merit badge blitz from the 27-29th. I have only had 2 scouts sign up. We are offering 15 different badges. Sign up available at the CoH. Any questions please call me at the number below Looking forward to seeing all of you YIS, Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chair 907.748.4350 Scouts and Parents,
Need Volunteers, Volunteers will help with food prep, purchase groceries, teach, chaperone at overnight etc. MB Counselors who haven't signed up (need to turn in paperwork), other classes maybe offered with MB counselor. The Merit Badge Blitz takes place from 27 Oct 6:00 pm to 29 Oct ~12:30. Please come to the meeting, I will assign you a task and sure appreciate the team effort this requires. Meeting scheduled for Wed has changed to Thursday Oct 6 @ 7:00 pm. If you are interested in teaching please contact me immediately. I will do what I can to help you through the application process (very simple). Badges being offered at the merit badge blitz Cooking Communications Citizen in the World Family Life Personal Management (1st Class and Above) Automotive Maintenance (Permit or driver's license required/limited to 1st 6 who sign up) Music Art Traffic Safety Engineering Disabilities Awareness Scholarship Aviation Scouting Heritage (For all scouts/don't need to sign up) Scouts will be allowed to take two Eagle badges and one other. Please make a fourth choice as a back-up. You may email me your selections and if you forget there will be a sign up at the Troop 219 Court of Honor, Sunday 9 October at 6:30 pm in the JLC. The Court of Honor ceremony will take place after a potluck meal. More details to come regarding specifics for the Court of Honor. For new scouting families this is where all the scouts receive their badges and advancement patches for their uniforms. This takes place of the Sunday meeting. All are welcome to join and support the scouts advancing and receiving awards from camp and other Merit Badge work completed since June 16. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Troop 219 Committee Chairman 907.748.4350 Scouts: Mr. Puterbaugh is out of town and he asked if I would pass along details on upcoming activities. Please review this email with your parents. 1. Tonight's meeting will start at 6:00 and will include the roadside clean up. This is a great opportunity to log service hours plus show the troop’s involvement in the community. Also we’ll be working on requirement sign-offs for scouts who are second class and below in preparation for the Court of Honor. If you attended the camporee last week you will need to return gear tonight. Please make sure all tents are dry and mark any equipment that needs repair. 2. The Court of Honor will be next Sunday, Oct 9th, 6:30 p.m. at JLC. If you have completed merit badges or need a Scoutmaster conference please call or email Mr. Puterbaugh this week. 3. Troop elections will be held Oct. 16th. Attached is the leadership application which you will need to submit no later than October 9th. Just a reminder for Star requirements you have to serve 4 months in a leadership position and for Life you need to serve 6 months in a leadership position. Scouts needing leadership positions for rank advancements will have priority as long as they have been active. 4. The Crescent Lake Backpacking Trip is scheduled for Oct 21-23. Mr. Foster and Mr. Nevells will be leading this trip. We will have the sign up list tonight. If you have any questions please send me a note. YIS, Mr. Lundgren [email protected] ![]()
Troop 219
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January 2018