Scout and Parents, Mr. Puterbaugh asked me to send this out on his behalf. We are asking older scouts & Quartermasters to report to the JLC at 7:00pm to pack the trailer. Of course we will not turn away any younger scouts that show up but its not necessary. Permission slip will be in separate email. The Assistant Scout Master Leading this Camporee is Mr. Donnie Hodges 405.213.6721. Thank you Mr. Hodges for stepping up and we have other dads and moms helping. The following points were sent to me as additional instructions for the scouts. - any other scouts wanting to go, let us know and show up Friday prepared - Friday night show time is 5 pm. Be in class A uniform OR be in costume - Bring foil meal for Friday night dinner - bring a couple bundles of wood - use provided camping ck list to pack...leave cotton at home - please review Zombie guide provided - Patrol leaders to bring mandatory gear per zombie guide - Dress for AK WEATHER -AGAIN > Please review Zombie guide AND Camping ck list YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Committee Chair 907.748.4350 - Pick tent mates before your buddies
Scouts & Parents,
This Sunday's scout meeting will start at 6:00 PM. We have a lot to get done before the Gladiator Fall Camporee. All scouts need to bring a matchless fire-starter striker, flint-n-steel, etc..., plus tinder & kindling. All other matchless fire starters acceptable. BOR are Sunday 2 Oct so let me know who's a ready for SM con & advancement. For those scouts advancing to Star, Life, or Eagle, you must be active in the troop meetings, campouts & activities to be eligible for advancement Class "A" uniform is now required for all T219 meetings & events, unless otherwise noted. Also dress for the weather, with jackets/rain gear for the meetings and offsides. We will be doing as much as we can outside, until we can't & then some. Steve Puterbaugh Parents and Scouts,
We had a great meeting on Sunday. Welcomed back scouts who have been busy enjoying their summer in Alaska. 1. Who: All Scouts and Parents Welcome What: Service Hours for Eagle Project (Sam Hall, Life Scout). Last work day; Installing Fence and creating path to garden Where: Chugiak Methodist Church, Lower Parking Lot When: 22 Aug 2015, Saturday, 1-5 pm POC: Sam Hall, Life Scout *Notes: Bring Work Gloves, rain gear if needed. Snacks provided. 2. Who: Scouts and Parents, ASMs What: Fall Camporee, Canoe Theme Where: Camp Gorsuch When: 28 Aug 6:00pm-30 Aug 12:00 (noon) Cost $25 per person (food included) *Notes: Please respond to this email if your scout is interested in signing up and was not at the meeting 16 Aug Scout Meeting. Sign-ups close at this Sunday's Scout Meeting, 23 Aug. Troop must register prior to the date of the Camporee. Read parent/scout guide (short document). Those participating need to prepare their own flags (capture the flag game) and bring to camporee. Thanks to Midlo, Gray, Pratt families we have 3 canoes. Need more canoes. If you have one the scouts can use please respond to this email. Even if your scout isn't participating if you would be willing to loan your canoe to the troop for the weekend it would minimize our cost to rent. 3. Save the Dates!!!! Who: Scouts and Parents What: Troop 219, Fall, Court of Honor Where: TBA (most likely Joy Lutheran) When: TBA (most likely window 4:30-8:00 pm) Who: Scouts and Parents What: Eric Lundgren's Eagle Court of Honor Where: Eagle River High School Auditorium When: Tentative (18 or 19 September) Time: TBA 4. Sign up sheets were available for the following a. Scouts participating in Fall Camporee, at Camp Gorsuch b. Scouts needing scoutmaster conference and or Board of Review c. Scouts participating in the Crescent Lake Backpacking trip (Overnight); Hike approx 7 miles Who: Scouts and Parents What: Crescent Lake Backpacking Trip Where: Crescent Lake When: Weekend of 10 October (Exact departure time and day TBA) d. Scouts completing 100 below patch who haven't received it. Document your winter camping below 32 degrees for the period Fall Camporee 2014-Spring Camporee 2015. 5. Thanks to all the parents who attended the Merit Badge Informational Briefing and signed up at the Scout Meeting 16 Aug. We have an established goal to recertify previous counselors, and certify new counselors no later than 8 Sep. For those of you still interested please contact me directly, Lou Rivera-Murray, 907-748-4350. A second information meeting will be held. If you are already a counselor, I will send a separate email with instructions. I am checking the Merit Badge Listing which was updated July 2015 and there are some of our parents, and ASM's that are no longer on the list which may mean you need to recertify or you have graciously chosen to withdraw your name from the list (either way I will verify with individual parents Who: Parents What: Merit Badge Counselor/Lock-In Meeting Where: JLC When: Sun, 23 Aug, 7:15 (During Scout Meeting) POC: Mrs. Strickland and Mrs. Rivera-Murray Please respond to this email if you cannot attend the meeting so we don't miss the opportunity to share your talent with our scouts. Finally, check out our website if you need information that has been previously sent, checklists, parent guides, forms etc. Site listed in the signature block below. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Information Coordinator 907.748.4350 Scouts and Parents Thanks to our small contingent of 10 Scouts who showed up to earn service hours and maintain our portion of Eagle River Road. A personal thanks to Mr. Jeff Estes and Mr. James Fouge for taking me along with 4 of our scouts on the Reed Lake Hike. This was 16 miles of heaven on earth. (Let's just say I learned a lot about myself this past Saturday). We had one first year scout complete this hike and 3 other 3rd year scouts. Kuddos I learned a lot and admire our scouts and our ASMs for their willingness to take on these adventures. We are entering a very busy couple of weeks before school begins. I don't know about you but as summer ends we are already planning for upcoming family events a year out. With that in mind I researched, spoke to a few council members, Mr. Puterbaugh and have projected out events until next June. Please understand the scouts will add events and may choose through their Patrol Leader Committee (PLC) to not participate in some events listed in this calendar. I am attaching the draft calendar with actual dates of events I know and will publish an updated annual calendar following the Troop and PLC Committee meetings this month. Who: Scouts and Parents What: Fall Camporee Canoeing Theme Where: Camp Gorsuch When: 28 Aug 5:00 PM-30 Aug 12:00 (noon) Special note: Please respond to this email if you have a canoe the troop can use for this camporee. The council does not have enough canoes and is asking that the troops bring as many of their own & have given us a few outfitters from which we can rent canoes. Who: Scouts and Parents What: Calendar of Events Please take a look at the calendar and know that we are thinking ahead and trying our best to keep you informed. We will be having a few meetings concerning the Troop 219 Merit Badge University and encourage all parents to attend and or fill out a resource survey and bring it to the next meeting. I have received very nice input but welcome more! YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 907-748-4350
Troop 219
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