The Buckner Fitness Pool will be closed from 1-30 Nov for annual maintenance. I have booked us a slot for 1300 this Saturday the 28th so that we can knock out 2nd and 1st class swimming requirements. If you have base access and need those requirements met, then I can meet you and your scout on Saturday to complete. If anyone wants to work on the swimming merit badge (Eagle Scout alternative to hiking and cycling) I can do that as well. This is not a swimming lesson. We are in the lap pool so it is not a recreational swim either. Please review the requirements below and let me know via e-mail by Friday if I should expect you. All participants have to take the base pool swim test before we proceed with our part. If you went to summer camp and were designated a "swimmer" then let me know at Sunday's meeting This would accomplish both rank requirements. I heard there were only 3 campers that did this. 2nd Class Demonstrate your ability to jump feet first into water over your head in depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, then return to your starting place. 1st Class BSA Swim Test Swimmer
Swimming Merit badge Swim continuously for 150 yards using the following strokes in good form and in a strong manner: front crawl or trudgen for 25 yards, back crawl for 25 yards, sidestroke for 25 yards, breaststroke for 25 yards, and elementary backstroke for 50 yards. YIS, Donnie Hodges Last October Mr. Dagget gave the Merit Badge Blitz a Scouting Heritage presentation. If you are on this email thread it's because you may have been at his presentation. Mr. Daggett is going to be at the JLC at 5:00pm today to sign off the remaining requirements for scouting heritage. A few days ago I sent an email reminder to the whole troop with the worksheet attached. Requirement 6 states you must bring a scouting collection please bring a sample of you scouting patch selection/memorabilia or pictures of it for Mr. Daggett to sign off. Requirements 1, 2, and parts of 3 were discussed at the presentation. Because it has been such a long time, I know most of you took notes you might want to spend a little time reviewing the people discussed in these requirements. Jot your notes in the worksheet and bring it with you. Mr. Daggett counts as one of the scouts you have to talk to about Scouting which is part of requirement 8. Lou Rivera-Murray Merit Badge Blitz Coordinator 748.4350 ------------ Mr. Paul Daggett will be available for any of the scouts that took Scouting Heritage Last year and were at his presentation to sign off requirements this Sunday at 5:00 pm. I have attached the merit badge workbook for the boys who were at the merit badge blitz last October. Please bring your scout collections and or pictures of your collections. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Committee Chair 907.748.4350
Hi everyone, I am specifically targeting those scouts who are in the final stages of the Personal Management Eagle Badge, whether you started it with me at the Troop 219 MB Blitz, or if you previously started it with another counselor, or have been working on it independently; I would like to see you tonight at 5pm. Let’s get this badge completed. Please bring your completed worksheet, blue MB Card and saving log to JLC tonight at 5pm.
A couple of scouts have approached me about working with me to get the Personal Management MB completed, even though they started it elsewhere, or have been working on it independently. I would like to see you tonight as well. It will give me the chance to see your progress and to make sure you are on track to complete the badge. If you are finished the MB work, then definitely come tonight so we can get your Blue Card signed off. Anjela Pemberton 907-854-8158 Scouts & Parents
- No regular Scout meeting this Sun 29 Jan & Sun 5 Feb-Super Bowl Sunday - PLC this Sunday 29 Jan @ 6 pm for ALL scouts in leadership positions. We'll plan next 2-months. ASM's welcome - Personal Management mb session 5-6 pm @ JLC this Sunday 29 Jan. This is for scouts that started PM mb at T219 MB Blitz. Be in uniform, bring completed mb worksheet, 90-day financial log, and mb book - Turnagain Pass Campout CANX due to bad weather...reschedule mid-late Feb - Troop Ski Day > Sun 5 Feb @ Mr. Lundgren ASAP if interested. - Scout Sunday @ Joy-Lutheran church, Sunday 12 Feb @ 9:30 am...whole troop invited...wear Class "A" uniform & bring a dish to pass for "Brunch" Thanks......☃😎 YIS > Steve P 907-351-8826 |
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January 2018