Good Afternoon,
Earlier this week I sent out a detailed message with instructions. This is a very long message with all of the instructions. Please read, print appropriate documents, sign and put them in your notebooks for the MB Blitz. MB Blitz Cost: $15 per scout (bring cash or check no scout accounts will be used) MB Blitz Food: Make sure you have a good meal Thursday before arriving. All other meals and evening snack will be provided MB Blitz Overnight: Need to know who will be staying overnight (realize last minutes changes occur); good for planning purposes MB Blitz what To Bring: Pencil, Worksheets (suggest you put these in 1" binder with your name), MB pamphlet, sleeping bag, toiletry kit, extra snacks (no soda event!!!), no candy!!!!!. If you plan on sleeping outside (bring your own tent or please make arrangements by responding to this email). Board games would be a lot of fun! MB Blitz Exception to Troop Policy: This event is digital tech friendly. You may have your IPODs, phones, or PADS. Very important they are not to be used during MB instructional sessions unless the instructor pre-approves their use. In the near future the entire troop will be receiving training on the Cyberchip Please sign and have your parents sign the attached policy on cyber bullying and the scout law. MB Preparation: Realize many are at Crescent Lake, others have sports or club commitments, but expect your best effort in completing and bringing what your instructors request. If you haven't heard from your instructor please assume the draft MB University Pre-work is expected. Review the pre-work handout attached above. MB Instructors: Please look at your list 1st tab in Excel Spreadsheet (some adds). Some boys will be attending partial courses. You are not expected to catch them up...proceed with your lesson plan and the scout is responsible for contacting you at a future date if they require assistance with the class portions they missed. Keep in mind we are expecting periodic follow-up with the groups and you may plan events associated with your badge to complete requirements. Ensure when these events are planned they are coordinated through Scoutmaster, Chair, PLC. (We will help facilitate what you need and want to make any offerings available to others, if possible i.e for example we still have approximately 7 scouts from last December 14 who have to meet requirement 7 for Emergency Prep; this requirement won't be covered at the Blitz so when it is scheduled those scouts should be included in the event planning). MB Movie: I need help with this...Equipment set up to make the movie happen on screen (I don't know of any). Projector, Laptop would be helpful and suggestion on movies that will fulfill the citizen requirement... MB Equipment Needed: Projectors, extension cords X 2, surge protector power outlets X 5, extra pens, pens, paper MB Blitz Volunteers: 1. Still in need for 2 parents to stay overnight (need at least 1 for Thursday more than 2 parents would be awesome). Have a volunteer for Friday. Good opportunity for parents who do not go routinely go on the camping/hiking trips to stay with the scouts 2. Parent volunteer to take charge of the Iron Chef Dutch Oven Competition (parent will print out certificates for participants and special certificates for winners) 3. Need to borrow minimum 3 projectors (if you know where we can check out some or if you have one you can check out from your job would appreciate) 4. Need parents 1 parent to help with check-in be at JLC 6:15 can leave by 7:00 5. Need Grill Master for Friday Evening need to be available by 5:00. Dinner is from 5:30-6:45. Grilling dogs and brats 6. Please look at the excel workbook at the bottom you will see tab for volunteers and it gives additional information Please let me know if you are available to help. We are so excited to have 32 boys participating and to be offering 14 different Merit Badges. Finally, Jen Strickland and I will be calling to gently persuade many of you if we don't receive any responses. In advance Thank you, YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Information Coordinator Troop 219 Chair 907.748.4350 Scouts and Parents,
We are having a super busy October and I want to thank all parents and scouts for being present and participating when possible. We had the official Wreath Sales Kick Off yesterday at Joy Lutheran. Mr. Nevells will have brochures and information available at tonight's meeting. Mr. Michael Klopfer took the Wreath Sales Documents and scanned them for your use and convenience. I found this was a convenient way for our scouts to email any out-of-state friends and family if they are interested in purchasing. Please remember that Direct Delivery Gift Items must have an accompanying form where the customer fills out the address and other information for shipping labels. These items are shipped directly from the company and are marked with red stripping in the brochure. A few rules for your safety. Door-to-door sales please do not enter the home unless you know the family. Take a flashlight with you and wear reflective belts if you are selling in the evening. If possible, go with a buddy. Finally, remember to be in Class A, thank customers and thank those who do not purchase, dress for the weather. It is helpful if you take a clipboard with you. If you haven't received your materials please come to tonight's' meeting. Our POC for this event is Mr. Roger Nevells. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Information Coordinator Troop 219 Chairperson 907.748.4350 |
Troop 219
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January 2018