Scouts and Parents,
We are having a super busy October and I want to thank all parents and scouts for being present and participating when possible. We had the official Wreath Sales Kick Off yesterday at Joy Lutheran. Mr. Nevells will have brochures and information available at tonight's meeting. Mr. Michael Klopfer took the Wreath Sales Documents and scanned them for your use and convenience. I found this was a convenient way for our scouts to email any out-of-state friends and family if they are interested in purchasing. Please remember that Direct Delivery Gift Items must have an accompanying form where the customer fills out the address and other information for shipping labels. These items are shipped directly from the company and are marked with red stripping in the brochure. A few rules for your safety. Door-to-door sales please do not enter the home unless you know the family. Take a flashlight with you and wear reflective belts if you are selling in the evening. If possible, go with a buddy. Finally, remember to be in Class A, thank customers and thank those who do not purchase, dress for the weather. It is helpful if you take a clipboard with you. If you haven't received your materials please come to tonight's' meeting. Our POC for this event is Mr. Roger Nevells. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray Information Coordinator Troop 219 Chairperson 907.748.4350 Comments are closed.
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