Our Scouts Have Worked Very Hard this Summer and We Are Ready to Celebrate!
Troop 219's Committee would like to cordially invite you to the Fall Court of Honor September 27, 2015 at 6:30 Joy Lutheran Church Sanctuary Barbecue (bring your own drinks and meat to throw on the Grill/please no fish) Please bring lots of delicious sides to share with the Troop Uniform for Scouts and Adult Leadership: Class A Any Questions Please Call Mrs Chris Lundgren (Scouts interested in helping with set up please arrive 30 minutes early) Troop 219 Scouts and Parents
Again our Scouts showed they are community-minded and dedicated. Thank you to the nearly 20 scouts that participated in Trick or Treat in the Heat. Congratulations to all of our new Scout Leadership: Garret Nevells Senior Patrol Leader and his Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, Joseph Groth and Sam Strickland. Scouts you want to do something different or new bring it up to your leadership. Scoutmaster conferences have been going on all this week. I am not aware of anyone not having been able to schedule an appointment with Mr. Puterbaugh. If there is anyone that has been missed, please get a hold of Mr. Puterbaugh as soon as possible 907.351.8826 (c) Yes. We do have a meeting this Sunday, 20 Sep 2015. The meeting starts at 7:00. Some scouts may have been given report times prior to this for Board of Reviews. The merit badge offerings will be available for scouts to sign up at this meeting. I will be forwarding the Troop 219 Guide which includes requirements which should be accomplished prior to the MB Lock in, as soon as we finalize the MB counselors who will be presenting. Who: Board of Review Parent Volunteers What: Conducting Board of Reviews for advancement When: Sunday Sep 20th, Board are scheduled to begin at 6:30 so please be available at 6:15. Where: Joy Lutheran Church Note: Mr. Puterbaugh may send out an additional text to adults who have not signed up as we have many parents who signed up who have not conducted boards of reviews. Attached is a document (Board of Review just for scouts) with sample questions appropriate by rank. There will be 2 boards simultaneously conducted in order to ensure all of our scouts accomplish this in a timely manner Who: Scouts Advancing Rank What: Board of Review When: Sunday Sep 20th, Begin at 6:30 by appointment Where: Joy Lutheran Church Note: Class A Uniform for Scouts, Bring your scout logs, scout book and be prepared. See attached notes labeled Scoutmaster... Thank you for all you do as scouts and parents! Please call with any questions or just send me an email or text. I am open to ideas and welcome your feedback. YIS Lourdes M. Rivera Troop 219 Committee Chair Scouts,
Thank YOU Again > to all Scouts & Parents who contributed to the Community Service Project this past weekend !!!! Scoutmaster Conferences will be held this week (M-Th) for your next rank. LET ME KNOW if YOU haven't scheduled a time with me. BOR's will be this Sunday starting at 6:30 PM. The Court of Honor is the following Sunday, 27 September > 6:30 pm at JLC. YIS, Steve Puterbaugh SM, Troop 219 ER, AK Good Evening Scouts and Parents,
We do have a scout meeting Sunday, 13 September 2015. Please come promptly at 7:00 as the most important order of business will be Elections for new scout positions. Information regarding purchase of Wiggy Bags will be discussed. Orders due NLT 10 Oct 2015 Thank you to all who have thus far volunteered for the upcoming MB University. Schedule/Sign Up will be available approximately 20 September meeting. Volunteers you will be contacted in separate email. I still need a couple instructors and still have to contact a few MB Counselors. Who: All Scouts What: Trick or Treat in the Heat Service Hours When: Sunday Sept 13th, 11-6pm Where: Heritage Estates Note: All Troop 219 service project participants need to check-in with Mrs. Beth Paynter at 20427 Philadelphia Way, Eagle River. Mrs. Pemberton will have a sign-in. Please report to the above address in Class A Uniform. Point of Contact Mrs. Angela Pemberton Who: Scouts Advancing Rank; Committee Members (Need minimum 6 adults prefer 8 adults) What: Board of Review When: Sunday Sep 20th, 6:30 by appointment Where: Joy Lutheran Church Note: Class A Uniform for Scouts, Bring your scout logs Who: Scouts and Parents What: Troop 219 Court of Honor When: Sunday, Sep 27th, 6:30 pm Where: Joy Lutheran Church, Sanctuary Note: Bring your own meat to grill and a dish to share with the Troop, Point of Contact is Mrs. Chris Lundgren. Who: Lynx Patrol Parents What: Orientation When: September 20 (TBD), Time (TBD) Where: Joy Lutheran Church Note: Facilitate information about rank advancement, parent question-answer period Point of Contact is Mr. Carl Lundgren. Who: All Scouts and Parents What: Eric Lundgren's Court of Honor When: Friday, 2 Oct, 7:00 pm Where: Joy Lutheran Church Who: All Scouts What: 2015 Wreath Sales "Kick" off meeting Where: Joy Lutheran Church When: Saturday, 3 Oct, 10:30 Note: Report to JLC Class A uniform, receive paperwork and designate sales areas. Point of Contact Mr. Roger Nevells /Steve Puterbaugh. Who: Designated Scouts and Parents What: Crescent Lake Backpacking Where: Rendezvous at JLC TBD When: 17-18 Oct (Overnight) Point of Contact: Mr. Carl Lundgren Who: Scouts and Volunteer Parents and Merit Badge Counselors What: Merit Badge University Where: Designated (Joy Lutheran and Community Covenant) When: 5:00 pm report to JLC for registration on 22 October MB University Courses begin 6:00 pm through 11:30 24 October Point of Contact: Lou Rivera-Murray Note: MB counselors please bring your certificate of Youth Protection Training to Scout meeting 13 Sep or scan and email to Mrs. Lou Rivera [email protected] as soon as possible YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 907.748.4350 |
Troop 219
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