Who: Scout and Parents Troop 219 (Optimal required participation 24 Scouts and a several parents per shift) What: Biggest food drive of the year. Community Service hours Standing at the store front soliciting food donations/Unloading food barrels, weighing, and documenting received food for the Eagle River Food Bank Where: Fred Meyer, Eagle River Mr. Puterbaugh has been in touch with the food pantry to coordinate the truck & barrels. The longer the boys can work the better...will make the schedule easier. We will need about 20-24 boys for the day to make this work...about 8 per shift is optimum. Three shifts during the time will spread the wealth; 4 at the truck & 4 at the doors. Boys should be in uniform & dress for the weather. Programmatically, we knew the scouting for food would occur sometime in April. However the formal announcement with specifics did not occur until I signed our troop up for the activity last week. We need adults on each shift. Community service is one of the most important things scouts do...This is a great way to give back to our community. All the food stays in ER-Chugiak. Appreciate your support. Please send me an email with your child's name and the shift they would like to work. Also as an adult if you can stay please also let me know so we can put you on a shift Text Mr. Puterbaugh with any questions 907-351-8826. I hope to be able to populate the attached roster with the appropriate number of scouts by Thursday to avoid having the leadership call the individual patrols. The actual time we are volunteering is 10:00 am - 4:00 pm minimum of 2 hour shifts. YIS Lou Rivera-Murray 748-4350
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Troop 219
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January 2018